German Student / Young Pugwash


Connecting the next generation of responsible students and young professionals in Germany

Student-led & Interdisciplinary & Interactive

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German Pugwash

Our Principles

Based on the Conferences on Science and World Affairs, we seek to support students in identifying, critically analysing, and shaping the political, ethical, and societal dimensions of science and technology.

As new threats to humanity and civilisation emerge – from international conflict and weapons of mass destruction, to climate change and artifical intelligence – we want to raise awareness, educate the public, and empower the next generation of advocates.

It is part of the parcel to figure out what ethical choices are. We want to be the framework for you to explore them.

Facilitating Change as a Student

Scientific advances can provide opportunities to improve lifes or challenge strategic stability and public safety. Students need to discern the ethical use from the careless or dangerous utilisation of knowledge.

Emerging Voices

Today’s students and young professionals will be part of the next generation taking responsibility for society in a variety of positions. Their contributions and decisions will have impact and influence on how we navigate current challenges, and those lying ahead of us.

Exchange of Ideas

It is therefore crucial to facilitate inter-discplinary, -cultural, and -generational dialogue to deepen indivdual expertise and social awareness – from framing the next research proposal, to challenging the daily filter bubble.

Find out more

Have a look at the Conferences on Sciences and World Affairs. Or check out the other national groups under the International Student Young Pugwash network.


Become part of a national network where we welcome all people from STEM to social sciences, freshmen to doctoral candidates, and want you to express your ideas – not just listen to us.

Share & Connect

Know a person who might be interested? You like one of our activities? Want to write a blog post? Tell us! We are happy to hear from you via mail, or reach out to us on LinkedIn.

Become a member

We look to connect students and young professionals. Whether you aspire to be a future leader, have a cool project in mind but are unsure how to realize it, or you just want to be part of a young community helping each other out where possible – there will always be a place for you.